First of all, yes all times are running with about 5 people on average per time.
This winter we are having a max of 10 people with 8 in the front of the building and 2 in the back on opposite ends of the turf. Workouts will be 40 minutes instead of 45 allowing a 5 minute transition period. 5 minute warm up, 30 minute hard push and a 5 minute stretch. Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled time and wait in your car. We need to arrive a few minutes early for set up. The previous group will be walking out at that time, please wait for them to leave the building. Bring your water/towel to your station as you will remain there. Disinfectant wipes will be located in each station for you to wipe down. We will be leaving everything in that station for the day, you do not need to put anything away. Sections are marked off making it easier to locate your workout station.
With windows being open allowing air flow the heat will be on. Those of you that get cold easy please place yourself in front of heated areas. Almost everyone ends up saying it is hot in those areas and prefer the areas without heat so please choose a spot that works best for what your body likes. If you are in a no fan zone there are additional fans on the shelf. Also, wearing layers is a good idea.
As always please do not come in if you are sick. If you need to freeze your account at any point I understand and will restart your membership at a date of your choosing. We all have different circumstances and need to adjust.
Thank you so much for being so understanding during this time and making these adjustments!! I appreciate your dedication to your health as we make it through this difficult time together:)
Stay healthy and strong!!!