Gluteus Medius starts on the middle gluteal line of the Ilium. If you can see someone’s “butt” from the front, you are seeing the Glute Medius. The insertion is at the Greater Trochanter of the femur (the part you bump into door knobs). Gluteus Medius works for you while you abduct your femur, and on your opposite, supporting leg it helps stabilizes. Glute Medius works hard while doing a one-legged squat. Gluteus Minimus originates on the inferior gluteal line of the Ilium and also goes to the Greater Trochanter of the Femur. It also performs abduction of the Femur (horizontal and vertical). When muscles start and/or end in the same place, they will have same and similar actions. The Glute Minimus is the weakest, smallest and deepest Glute muscle. These two muscles are primarily used to stabilize leg movement. To focus on these muscles you will perform a lateral leg raise, Band side-step(lateral), abduction machine, pistols (single-leg squat), penguin walks, fire hydrant (on all fours), or any single-leg movement.
A) Medius B) Maximus C) Minimus